I joined this piece of work at the concept generation stage, with insights from months of employer/user interviews, forums and workshops to build upon. I prioritised creating a user journey map, to highlight any pain points and learner experience design considerations. I was then able to define the high-level apprenticeship architecture, aligned with the user needs found from research.

A main focus of this piece of work was the digital learning experience and how it can be the bridge between classroom and workplace for a young person.
Low-fidelity mock ups of the digital tools needed to support online learning were created and shared for feedback. As these tools developed, I was able to design the wider digital "hub" eco-system that guides a learner through their apprenticeship. An interactive powerpoint concept walkthrough was used for easy sharing between teams and stakeholders.

The narrative for this piece of work had to consider the individual learners, educators/training providers, employers, Skills Development Scotland as an organisation and Scotland's future skills demands. I was able to do this by mapping a speculative "day in the life" of learners, educators and employers. This user focussed approach helped with the understanding and buy-in from people unfamiliar with our work on meta-skills, and made future-thinking less conceptual.